Testing scope

Our client, a leading entity in the financial sector, asked us to conduct a comprehensive penetration test of its web application portfolio. These applications play a critical role in assessing clients' credit rating and are utilized by banks worldwide in various language mutations. The primary objective of the testing was to evaluate the security posture of these applications and identify any vulnerabilities that could potentially compromise their integrity or confidentiality. The scope included testing according to the OWASP Web Security Testing Guide (WSTG) version 4.

Penetration testing

Using the OWASP WSTG v4 testing guide as a framework, our team performed a series of penetration tests. Using a combination of automated scanning tools and manual testing techniques, we methodically scanned the web applications for vulnerabilities. Our approach included black-box testing to simulate real-world attacker scenarios while ensuring ethical boundaries were maintained.

Throughout the testing phase, we identified a variety of vulnerabilities across the severity spectrum, ranging from low to high risk. These vulnerabilities affected various aspects of the applications, including but not limited to authentication mechanisms, input validation, session management and data security protocols. Our team documented every identified vulnerability, along with detailed explanations and remediation recommendations.


The results of the penetration test provided critical insight into the security posture of the web application portfolio. By categorizing the vulnerabilities based on severity, we provided our client with a comprehensive overview of the risks identified and their potential impact. We also provided evidence and proof-of-concept demonstrations to support our findings, enabling our client to understand the severity of the security issues they were facing.

In addition, our penetration testing efforts served as a catalyst for improving the security and availability of the applications. By collaborating closely with our client, we facilitated discussions to address the identified vulnerabilities and implement robust remediation measures. In addition, our analysis extended beyond vulnerability identification to pinpoint underlying issues in the application development process. Using the insights we gained from multiple penetration tests, we helped our client to improve its development and testing practices to prevent the recurrence of similar vulnerabilities in the future.


In conclusion, the penetration testing engagement has proved to be a key factor in improving the security posture of our client's web application portfolio. By thoroughly assessing the applications according to OWASP guidelines, we identified vulnerabilities of different severity levels, enabling our client to effectively prioritize remediation efforts. In addition, our collaborative approach helped to create an environment of continuous improvement, where identified vulnerabilities were used as learning opportunities to improve the overall security maturity of the organization.

About the client

For security reasons, we do not disclose the name or background of our client.

Our other references

AMiT Transportation contacted us with a request to perform a penetration test of the information system used in the rail industry. The client regularly conducts penetration tests of their systems, so they already had a well-defined testing procedure that ensured coverage of all key areas of information security.

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The electronic ID card system (eObčanka) contains a vulnerability that could potentially lead to identity theft.

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